ZBot Technology

ZBot Technology Sdn Bhd provides professional consultancy services in Information Technology, training and learning services as well as latest technology products & services.

Online Stores / E-Commerce

Amid slowing economic activity, COVID-19 has led to a surge in e-commerce and accelerated digital transformation.

As lockdowns became the new normal, businesses and consumers increasingly “went digital”, providing and purchasing more goods and services online, raising e-commerce’s share of global retail trade from 14% in 2019 to about 17% in 2020. 

These and other findings are showcased in a new report, COVID-19 and E-Commerce: A Global Review, by UNCTAD and eTrade for all partners, reflecting on the powerful global and regional industry transformations recorded throughout 2020.
fas fa-cart-plus

Mobile App

During the Covid19 pandemic, mobile apps are considered to be a valuable tool for citizens, health professionals, and decision makers in facing critical challenges imposed by the pandemic, such as reducing the burden on hospitals, providing access to credible information, tracking the symptoms and mental health of individuals, and discovering new predictors.

Besides that, mobile apps are used for food delivery, online shopping, online learning and many more.

At ZBot Technology, we are able to help your organization develop your own mobile app at a very reasonable and competitive price.
Loyalty App
Loyalty App

Mobile apps can also be a great way to boost loyalty among your customers. Brands like Mc Donald's and Starbucks run loyalty programs and offer incentives to reward ‘good customers.’

As a result, the customers keep coming back to the brand in exchange for those benefits.

Business App
Business App
These apps help businesses promote their products & services more effectively at 24x7 @ 365days globally. The Apps may link to another Apps or Service Providers to offer a complete solution to the clients and thus increase sales.
Entertainment App
Entertainment App
By entertaining your users through your brand’s app, you can also keep the majority of your users hooked, even without outright offering incentives. 

Netflix, Disney + offers movie entertainment services while Coca-Cola and Red Bull do efficiently with their Coca-Cola Freestyle and Red Bull TV apps.


Our professional consultants will be able to advise and propose a good solution using the latest technology to your needs. With the help of AI and other technologies, work get done faster and more efficiently, thus reduce cost and increase sales. Our clients are from various industries such as agriculture, entertainment, shopping malls, hotels and others.

Our Partners

Huawei Logo
HP Logo
iPay88 Logo
WordPress Logo

Education & Training

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted our way of living with unprecedented consequences for our daily lives, including how we work and learn. According to estimates from the International Labour Organization (ILO), 14 per cent of working hours were lost globally in the second quarter of 2020 when compared to the last quarter of 2019 (ILO 2020a). This loss is equivalent to 480 million full-time jobs.

training course intended to enhance different skills of an employee in an organization helps in improving the individual's performance so that these employees will not only remain employed but has better skills and get promoted faster. Together with our professional trainers and our clients, we provide high quality soft skills training at your premis.

We also include in our training package our Training Needs Analysis(TNA) System. Clients can use our TNA System to evaluate their employees' performance and to map right employee to the right job. 
Problem Solving
Problem Solving
Critical Thinking
Critical Thinking


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S-22-08 Kiara 163, 
Menara YNH,
Mont Kiara,
Kuala Lumpur.

Email: sim@zbot.asia